about fazane fox
production agency

Black and white photograph of close-up of Fazane Fox Production Agency meeting

Award-winning product design & development

Fazane Fox Production Agency is an award-winning clothing design, development and production company. We work closely with major fashion brands and start-ups to take garment designs from paper to hanger. You can rely on our fresh thinking and expertise to bring your ideas to life.

Established in 2011 and based in Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, we have an skilled in-house design and technical team. Our strong network of partners includes suppliers and manufacturers based in the UK, Portugal, China and more for mass production, as well as an in-house UK atelier for small runs and samples.

/ Team Fox Mascot


Bandit Fox

Maximise button icon
/ Pattern Cutting


Cath Ashton

Maximise button icon
/ The Advisor


Paul Goldman

Maximise button icon
/ Web Design


Danielle Eldridge

Maximise button icon
/ Business Coach


Lindsey Newman

Maximise button icon
/ Marketing


Liselle Barnsley

Maximise button icon
/ Quality Control


Antonio Barros

Maximise button icon
/ Production Agent


Serdar Oncul

Maximise button icon
/ Team Fox Mascot
/ Pattern Cutting
/ The Advisor
/ Web Design
/ Business Coach
/ Marketing
/ Quality Control
/ Production Agent
A cute dog with yellow fur
/ team fox mascot
Illustration of Cathryn
Illustration of Paul
A woman wearing a purple dress with white trainers.
/ web design
Illustration of a woman wearing a green dress
/ business coach
Illustration of a woman wearing a beige blazer and black trousers
/ marketing
Illustration of Antonio
/ quality control
Illustration of Serder
/ production agent

our awards

Over the years, Fazane Fox has won several awards:

GBEA 2023 logo

Finalist – Creative Entrepreneur of the Year 2023

GBEA 2020 logo

Finalist – Fashion & Beauty Entrepreneur of the Year 2021

GBEA 2020 logo

Finalist – Fashion & Beauty Entrepreneur of the Year 2020

Women Business Awards Finalist logo wide

Finalist – Business Woman of the Year 2020

Nottingham Post women in business Awards 2024 logo

Runner Up – Entrepreneur of the Year 2014

Midlands Fashion Awards logo

Winner – Independent Designer of the Year 2013

Our core values that drive everything we do

Fazane Fox circle icon in yellow circle

We Care

We care about the people and brands we work with. Our integrity and ethics are at the heart of everything we do. Our lips are sealed if they need to be! We have a personal interest in sustainable fashion and strive to achieve that where possible.


No matter the size or scope of project, delivering the highest quality is paramount to us.

Passion & Commitment

We are your partner in this journey, every step of the way. We are committed to seeing your project through to a successful launch.


You’ll get the benefit of our experience and knowledge, and we don’t sugar-coat the downsides. We support you to find solutions that work.


We are your partner in this development and manufacturing journey and beyond if you need us. We apply the same approach to our manufacturing partners, which is why we are confident in recommending them to you.

we believe in ethical production & sustainable manufacture


We are committed as a team to try and be as sustainable as possible. We know that the fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world so we have as a team committed to various ways of being sustainable. We are always open to new sustainable practices so do get in touch with your thoughts!


It’s important to us that all our suppliers are treated well, paid fairly and our clients’ garments are produced as sustainably as possible, so we follow the Ethical Trading Initiative and ask all our suppliers, sub-contractors and manufacturers both in the UK and offshore to follow it too.

1.0 Employment is freely chosen
1.1 There is no forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour.
1.2 Workers are not required to lodge “deposits” or their identity papers with their employer and are free to leave their employer after reasonable notice.

2.0 Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
2.1 Workers, without distinction, have the right to join or form trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively.
2.2 The employer adopts an open attitude towards the activities of trade unions and their organisational activities.
2.3 Workers representatives are not discriminated against and have access to carry out their representative functions in the workplace.
2.4 Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under law, the employer facilitates, and does not hinder, the development of parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining.

3.0 Working conditions are safe and hygienic
3.1 A safe and hygienic working environment shall be provided, bearing in mind the prevailing knowledge of the industry and of any specific hazards. Adequate steps shall be taken to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with, or occurring in the course of work, by minimising, so far as is reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment.
3.2 Workers shall receive regular and recorded health and safety training, and such training shall be repeated for new or reassigned workers.
3.3 Access to clean toilet facilities and to potable water, and, if appropriate, sanitary facilities for food storage shall be provided.
3.4 Accommodation, where provided, shall be clean, safe, and meet the basic needs of the workers.
3.5 The company observing the code shall assign responsibility for health and safety to a senior management representative.

4.0 Child labour shall not be used.
4.1 There shall be no new recruitment of child labour.
4.2 Companies shall develop or participate in and contribute to policies and programmes which provide for the transition of any child found to be performing child labour to enable her or him to attend and remain in quality education until no longer a child; “child” and “child labour” being defined in the appendices.
4.3 Children and young persons under 18 shall not be employed at night or in hazardous conditions.
4.4 These policies and procedures shall conform to the provisions of the relevant ILO standards.

5.0 Living wages are paid
5.1 Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week meet, at a minimum,national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher. In any event wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income.
5.2 All workers shall be provided with written and understandable Information about their employment conditions in respect to wages before they enter employment and about the particulars of their wages for the pay period concerned each time that they are paid.
5.3 Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted nor shall any deductions from wages not provided for by national law be permitted without the expressed permission of the worker concerned. All disciplinary measures should be recorded.

6.0 Working hours are not excessive
6.1 Working hours must comply with national laws, collective agreements, and the provisions of 6.2 to 6.6 below, whichever affords the greater protection for workers. Sub-clauses 6.2 to 6.6 are based on international labour standards.
6.2 Working hours, excluding overtime, shall be defined by contract, and shall not exceed 48 hours per week.*
6.3 All overtime shall be voluntary. Overtime shall be used responsibly, taking into account all the following: the extent, frequency and hours worked by individual workers and the workforce as a whole. It shall not be used to replace regular employment. Overtime shall always be compensated at a premium rate, which is recommended to be not less than 125% of the regular rate of pay.
6.4 The total hours worked in any seven day period shall not exceed 60 hours, except where covered by clause 6.5 below.
6.5 Working hours may exceed 60 hours in any seven day period only in exceptional circumstances where all of the following are met:• this is allowed by national law;• this is allowed by a collective agreement freely negotiated with a workers’organisation representing a significant portion of the workforce;• appropriate safeguards are taken to protect the workers’ health and safety;and• the employer can demonstrate that exceptional circumstances apply such as unexpected production peaks, accidents or emergencies.
6.6 Workers shall be provided with at least one day off in every seven day period or,where allowed by national law, two days off in every 14 day period.* International standards recommend the progressive reduction of normal hours of work, when appropriate, to 40 hours per week, without any reduction in workers’ wages as hours are reduced.

7.0 No discrimination is practised.
7.1 There is no discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training,promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin,religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.

8.0 Regular employment is provided.
8.1 To every extent possible work performed must be on the basis of recognised employment relationship established through national law and practice.
8.2 Obligations to employees under labour or social security laws and regulations arising from the regular employment relationship shall not be avoided through the use of labour-only contracting, sub- contracting, or home-working arrangements, or through apprenticeship schemes where there is no real intent to impart skills or provide regular employment, nor shall any such obligations be avoided through the excessive use of fixed-term contracts of employment.

9.0 No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
9.1 Physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation shall be prohibited.


WrapKind upcycle our deadstock waste to create easy to use, affordable fabric wrapping solutions for presents.

With over 50000 trees cut down annually for wrapping paper and millions of tons of fabric ending up in landfills, their aim is to incite a trend in fabric wrapping by providing consumers with 'one more way' we can all easily be sustainable.

The longevity of our planet requires participation in the fight to save it; if we all make small changes to reduce our waste, it will have a massive impact.

Studio Fox Vintage

An eclectic collection of vintage, designer clothing & samples from our production agency and personal finds from our founder fazane fox.

​With our founder having worked in the industry for over 14 years, a personal love of unique vintage and designer fashion, access to exclusive designer sales, a mountain of production samples from the production agency, and the inability to have physical sales in our studio due to covid.....the idea for Studio Fox Vintage was born.

With carefully curated styling and professional studio shots on local models, our collections are sure to make you stand out from the crowd whilst doing your bit for the environment.

Schooling for Philbert

As part of our efforts to give back and share our success and continued business growth we are currently sponsoring a lovely young man called Philibert through art college in Uganda for two years.

Gifts from Fairies

Gifts from Fairies have recognised the enormity of the challenges our society faces, and are dedicated to making a lasting impact.

They are a not-for-profit organisation designed to help young children in need or who are in care with presents and gifts.

As a mum, their founder Emma sees the joy that her little boy has when opening presents, but there are 3.9 million children living in poverty right now, and her goal is to spread a little happiness to those children.

We have donated new & used children's clothing from our production agency to Gifts from Fairies.


Salcare is a charity – a “one-stop shop” providing support for the people of Amber Valley and Erewash.

They have been around since 1977 and help anyone in need, whether they have been referred to them by organisations such as social services, the police, domestic abuse services or job centres. 

The benefit of having all the information as well as aid and assistance in one place is to be able to make sure that people who require support of any kind can be helped to make safer choices for themselves and their families.

We have donated our time to Salcare recently producing flyers for their charity fundraiser which we attended and donated funds on the night.

our design and development process

book your consultation


Get in touch to discuss your needs today! Whether you’re a startup or an established designer, we can take your ideas and make your designs a reality.

our design and development process

book your consultation

Get in touch to discuss your needs today! Whether you’re a startup or an established designer, we can take your ideas and make your designs a reality.

"Another exciting collection ahead! As always thank you for everything and being so efficient, I couldn’t be more grateful to have you all part of my brand's journey x"

Emily / Luxury UK Made Womenswear Label


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The Female Voice Podcast
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Female Founder Finance - Episode 1: From Start-Up to Success
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Broxtowe Council
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Kimberley Means Business fund
May 2024
Business Spotlight UK
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WHAT IT TAKES TO RUN A START-UP | With Fazane Fox | The Business Spotlight
Apr 2024
ScaleUp Radio
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Episode #383 - From Fashion Label to Thriving Production Agency - with Fazane Fox | ScaleUp Radio
Mar 2024
Your World Eastwood
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Kimberley entrepreneur overcomes adversity to launch new production agency
Mar 2024
In Your Area
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Inspirational Max is one of the UK's youngest inventors
Aug 2023
Fresh Business Thinking
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An inspiring story of determination and success
Jul 2023
Simon Caldwell
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Made With Love – Discovering UK Clothing Manufacturers To Kickstart Your Startup
Jun 2023
Nottingham Post
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Fazane fights back from health crisis to nomination for top award
Jun 2023
Chad News
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Kimberley entrepreneur shortlisted for national award
May 2022
The Business View
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Top 12 Clothing Manufacturers in UK
Jan 2021
Style by Lizzi
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7 influencers share their style mantras for 2021
Aug 2020
Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser
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Kimberley fashion entrepreneur in the running for top award
Jul 2020
UKFT Member Spotlight
Black arrow facing right inside white circle.
Member Spotlight: The Production Lab
Oct 2018
Vetigraph Newsletter
Black arrow facing right inside white circle.
Q and A Fazane Fox Production Lab
Oct 2018
The Fit Styling Interview
Black arrow facing right inside white circle.
Fazane Fox Fit Styling Interview
Jul 2017
The University of Derby Magazine
Black arrow facing right inside white circle.
Graduate Profiles Fazane Fox
Mar 2016
Derbyshire Times
Black arrow facing right inside white circle.
Derbyshire designer worked hard to achieve her dream
Jan 2016
Derby Telegraph
Black arrow facing right inside white circle.
Fazane's aim for real women to adore her forever fashion pieces
Apr 2015
Ilkeston Advertiser
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Lucky winners to strut their stuff at races

Get in touch to turn
your idea into reality

Whether you’re a startup or an established designer, we can take your ideas and make your designs a reality.

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